I Need to Work Up Some Rage to Get My Comedy Back
The oddest thing has happened to me: Suddenly, I dont care.
I used to care. Honestly, I really did. I used to get mad infuriated, even about the damndest things: politics, school, stupid people
well, really, thats about all I would get mad about. But that anger often resulted in Taftese comedy classics, including approximately 84 columns about George W. Bush. Obviously, most of those columns are unpublished. Heres a clip from one of the lost George W. columns:
The biggest problem I have with George W. Bush isnt his stupidity; its his international policy that threatens to enlarge the already wide gap between the United States and the international community.
Ha-HA! ZING! I should have published that one just for that line, but the rest of it is pretty dry. Ho, man: International community. God, I kill me.
However, my brilliance aside, I cant seem to find that touch of anger that made me so damn brilliant. When I was at Boston U., I got good and angry about an institution of higher education that treated their students with a level of respect typically only relegated to pre-schoolers handling mealworms or baby chicks.
I arrived in fabulous Columbia, Missouri with just a few months until the very angering 2000 presidential election, which infuriated me to the point of publication with echo/MU Student News.
When I got out of school, I was mad about the job market. So I wrote a column about it. But then I got a job, and ceased to be concerned about the job market. You may call that short-sighted, but I just call it American. Ill probably get mad at old people in a few years when I have enough work experience to try to take their jobs. Then Ill write a column called Old People: Why Wont They Die?
Now I have my own apartment, too. So I cant even complain about living with my parents. In fact, theres very little I have left in my life that I can really, genuinely bitch about (except for bitching about the fact that I have nothing to bitch about, apparently). Lets review:
So, to sum up, things really arent all that bad. And that just pisses me off.
Original Post Date: November 29, 2003